Toni und die Seehunde
On a stormy, cloudy day in October, just the right weather to visit the sea, Toni and I went to Friedrichskoog for GEOmini magazine to meet some seals at the breeding station. As a kid, seals were my favorite animals, and due to the fact my mother was quite free-spirited and read me Greenpeace comics about the end of the world (good ol‘ 80s), my fear of seal extinction grew bigger every day. eventually, I drew a picture, showing a seal family, provided with the words of my primary school me: „zur Erinerunk an die Roben, wen si eimal ausgestoben sint.“ (as a reminder of the seals once they have died out). Fortunately, this never happend. Not yet, sad to say, as it is more actual, than ever before. It was heartmelting and -breaking at the same time, to see the same passion for these animals in my kid. A healing trip. And a fun trip, too.